Susanna Maxwell - ClientID #185173

ID #Order DateSent DateStatusShip StatusValue
90087749 Sep 12, 2024Sep 16, 20249410836106051939861662$2,360.00
90086434 Jun 11, 2024Jun 23, 20249410836106051329604992Delivered$1,280.00

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Follistim 300 IU (289)
Sep 16, 2024 x 10
Jun 23, 2024 x 8
Menopur 75 IU (219)
Sep 16, 2024 x 2
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(numbers only)
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Date of Birth Origin
Gender Joined On.. June 11, 2024
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UBAcare ID (RXFor.ME) Woo ID    

NOTE: This will NOT adjust any information on existing orders.